Protect Document: Find Next Region I Can Edit



In Word 2003 when a user clicks Find Next Region I Can Edit in the
Protect Document pane, Word jumps to the bottom of the last page in the
editable range.

Can the Find Next Region I Can Edit feature be configured or programmed
to jump to the beginning of the editable region of a document?

Has anyone found a way to make the Find Next Region I Can Edit feature
stop at the beginning rather than the end of an editable region? .
Thank you.


Klaus Linke

Hi Michael,

No, there probably is no easy way to change that behaviour.

With older versions of Word, you could have intercepted the command, and
added a line to center the screen on the start of the selection. Two lines
of codes, and the button would have done what you want.

But controls in the task panes mostly aren't linked to built-in commands,
and aren't available for customization.

As a work-around:
Among the macros that I use with some frequency is one that toggles the
"active end" of a selection (that is, the end where the selection is changed
if you use Shift+arrow keys).
I just added a bit of code so the active end is scrolled into view (which
makes sense since usually you want to have the end where you can add/remove
stuff on screen):

Sub SelectionToggleActiveEnd()
With Selection
Select Case .StartIsActive
Case True
.StartIsActive = False
ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.ScrollIntoView _
obj:=Selection.Range, start:=False
Case False
.StartIsActive = True
ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.ScrollIntoView _
obj:=Selection.Range, start:=True
End Select
End With
End Sub


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