Protect .mdb module?



Hello, is it possible to like password protect an MS Access 2003 form's
module so noone can see the code or alter it? I know .mde files are more
designed for this along those lines but was wondering if it can be done in
specifically an .mdb file?

Thanks in advance.

Chris O'C via

You really should use mdes to protect your code, but a vba password is
available to protect modules. It's *not* recommended.

If you want to try it anyway, open the code editor, click on the Tools menu >
dbname properties. Click on the protection tab. Check the "lock project for
viewing" check box and supply a password. Write down the password because
you won't be able to get into your code without it. Again, this isn't
recommended. Use mdes to hide your code.

Microsoft MVP

Chris O''Neill

Apparently, password protecting an MDB isn't all that secure as it can easily
be cracked. On the other hand, creating an MDE removes all of the code and
prevents any modification of the forms and other objects.

Create the MDE and don't waste your time and energy on anything else. It
really isn't all that difficult to do and is much better.

Regards, Chris

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