Protect Messages On Mail Server



Hello to all,

I have Outlook Express 6 setup to retrieve my Comcast email messages
automatically. I retrieved all messages from Comcast server and downloaded
them to my computer. Now, while still in Outlook Express I deleted all the
old messages and kept the new ones. When I logged back into Comcast mail all
my messages were gone.

What the hell happened to my comcast mail. It looks like when I deleted the
messages in Outlook, the mail on the Comcast server got deleted too.

Is there a way to only delete the mail on my computer without also deleting
the mail that resides on the Comcast mail server?


Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

Alias said:
Hello to all,

I have Outlook Express 6 setup to retrieve my Comcast email messages
automatically. I retrieved all messages from Comcast server and
downloaded them to my computer. Now, while still in Outlook Express
I deleted all the old messages and kept the new ones. When I logged
back into Comcast mail all my messages were gone.

What the hell happened to my comcast mail. It looks like when I
deleted the messages in Outlook, the mail on the Comcast server got
deleted too.

Is there a way to only delete the mail on my computer without also
deleting the mail that resides on the Comcast mail server?


If you're using POP3, by default, it downloads & removes mail from the
server. Your having deleted the already downloaded (and hence removed) items
in your mail client has nothing to do with what is deleted on the server.
You can select "leave a copy of messages on server" in your mail account
properties.....but make sure you don't exceed your mailbox quota on the
comcast servers (use webmail to delete things, etc).

That said, note that his is a group to support Outlook from the Office group
of programs.
Outlook Express is a part of Internet Explorer and is a quite different
program, despite its similar name..

You will probably get a faster and more expert answer if you post this to an
Outlook Express news group.

Try posting in one of these newsgroups: for OE 5.x for OE 5.5x for OE 6.x
microsoft.public.internet.outlookexpress.mac for OE for Macintosh

If those groups aren't carried on the news server that's carrying this group
try using (MS's public news server that's the source
for all the microsoft.public newsgroups).

If you're accessing the Microsoft newsgroups through the MS Product Support
Services Community Newsgroups web interface, click
to get to the Internet Explorer groups, then click the plus sign next to
your version of IE to see the link to the Outlook Express group for that
version number.

A good website for information on OE is:



Now that's what I call an answer. Thanks a million for the help. I did
find the option to "leave a copy on server" and I enabled it. Also, I always
thought Outlook Express was the same as any other Outlook product so again
thanks for pointing out the difference.

Also thanks for the links to other forums and web sites for more
comprehensive answers. I should be able to work things out quite well now
that I made contact with you :)


Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

Alias said:

Now that's what I call an answer. Thanks a million for the help. I
did find the option to "leave a copy on server" and I enabled it.
Also, I always thought Outlook Express was the same as any other
Outlook product so again thanks for pointing out the difference.

Also thanks for the links to other forums and web sites for more
comprehensive answers. I should be able to work things out quite
well now that I made contact with you :)

You're most welcome -glad you got it resolved, and best o' luck.

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