Protect outline code values?



I'm hoping someone might have a solution to a problem that
we've run into..

We've set up our MS Project Server 2002 environment and
permissions so that Project Managers can update a project
via Project Pro after it has been loaded by the PMO.
However, we do not want them to have the ability to modify
the Outline Code values, as these are used for Executive
reporting (it may be way too tempting to re-assign a
project to a different functional area!)

By not allowing new project saves, any outline code value
change via the "Save As" dialog box would not be recorded,
as they will get a permission error upon selecting "Save".
We've also modified the projectdetails.asp page on PWA.
However, the Project Information option within the Project
menu (in Project Pro) has all of these fields available
and editable.

Our thought was to "remove" the Project Information option
altogether from the menu, then package this version in an
install file. That's where we are stuck.any ideas if/where
this registry setting can be modified? Or, better yet, any
other ideas at all as to how to protect the outline code

Thanks in advance for you help!

Russ Parker

If you mean the Enterprise Outline Codes, you need only deny permission to
"Save Enterprise Global" to the people or groups that you do not want making
any changes to the Enterprise Global .mpt. If you are referring to local
outline codes, I don't think you can do much about that short of forcing the
use of a Global.mpt from your network and only allowing changes by someone
who is authorized to do so. That depends on what type of network you have.
Hope that helps some.


We've locked down who can *create/modify* the Outline Code
fields...what we need to do is restict who can modify the
value of them once the project is published (e.g. Not
allow someone to change the "Project Stage" from the drop
down value list).

Brian K - Project MVP

maryann said:
We've locked down who can *create/modify* the Outline Code
fields...what we need to do is restict who can modify the
value of them once the project is published (e.g. Not
allow someone to change the "Project Stage" from the drop
down value list).

There is not a way to do this at this point without a bunch of custom
coding on the back end. It is assumed that if a user is trusted enough
to modify the tasks and assignments on a project that they are trusted
enough to deal with outline code values.

I will suggest this as a feature request to the product team though.

For now a good check on this would be to fire any project manager that
changes a code value in an attempt to deliberately deceive the PMO or
executives. :) (Im only half kidding) :)


There are two paper eventuality...

First is macro, which on every open_project event save all
used enterprise fields into a variable and on save event
replace it back. But I dont know, how to use
EnterpriseTextN property... - I find no resource or help
for program control of enterprise fields...

Second is add a flag to sql table indicating that I save
it from PWA and run a job (every day evening or on some
trigger) and rewrite data directly in SQL...


P.S.: Please let mi know if you have some working solution!

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