protect variable from spell check?



I'd like to protect a patient's name from the spell checker. Patient's
name varies from document to document with each patient having a
personal single document file. Each patient's name appears multiple
times in the document.

Adding an ever-increasing number of patients' names to the custom
dictionary in an ongoing constantly updating fashion is unreasonable.

Is there a reasonable way to preclude spell checker from identifying
their names as misspellings? Perhaps I could automate copying the
patient's name into one of the document properties and any item in that
location would be protected from spell check? Using fields and/or
sections protected from spell check seems fraught with multiple
difficulties for many MS Word users.

Alternatively, an automated addition of patient's name to the custom
dictionary might work. … perhaps something like the following to add to
"myNames.dic" where code has previously selected the patient's name.

Dim tempNam as string
tempNam = Selection.Text
Set myNames.doc =_
Dim d 'Create a variable
Set d = CreateObject(Scripting.Dictionary)
' Object.Add Key, Item
d.Add "a", "Athens" 'Add some keys and items
d.Add "b", "Belgrade"
d.Add "c", "Cairo"
d.Add tempnam

or maybe something simpler?
"spell check but not check variable"


Jay Freedman

Assuming you have some base template with unchanging text, use a
document property (probably a custom one that you create in File >
Properties > Custom) to hold the name. Insert DocProperty fields in
the body of the template where the name should be repeated. Make a
character style that includes the Language > Do not check spelling
option, and apply that style to each DocProperty field.

Don't even think of adding names to the custom dictionary -- that way
lies madness!

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.


1. Define a character style whose sole property is Language: 'Do not check
grammar or spelling'.

2. Apply that style to each instance of your patients' names. If the names
are always inserted by using a DocProperty field, you could use Find and
Replace: display field codes, then Find = ^d DocProperty


Thanks for your responses. Madness is my specialty <g>

Hmmmm. I wonder if I could use the style method/ Language/ Do not check
spelling, without using fields through the records. This
is for medical records and would need to be quite user friendly.

I'll play with it. :)

Hmmm, again, I now see Jez' addition.

Thanks. That looks like it should do it.


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