Protected Date Field in Forms Mode - Strange Behaviour


David Wood

Word 2003 - Protected (Forms) Mode

We are making extensive use of Forms mode in our organisation with some
success. However, we have discovered that in some instances, the following

Date field is inserted with following parameters;
Default date - not set
Date format - dd MMMM yyyy
Max length - unlimited
No macros are run
"Fill in" and "calculate on exit" enabled

Font is set to Arial 11

Form is protected and saved.

When a user opens the form and tabs down to the date field, once in the
field the font changes to MS Gothic. As a work around, the user must press
"Delete" and the font reverts to Arial 11.

This does not occur on all PC's and the form is stored in only once
instance. The problem is in date fields only.

I cannot think where to look.. Any suggestions will be gratefully received
and checked out.

Cindy M.

Hi David,
When a user opens the form and tabs down to the date field, once in the
field the font changes to MS Gothic. As a work around, the user must press
"Delete" and the font reverts to Arial 11.
This is a known problem, described in this KB article;en-us;828501

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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