Protected Form Still Reformats



I create protected forms in word for clients to fill out requests. I send
them a copy of the original, they fill in the form fields and then "save as",
attach their completed form to an email and send it back to me. I'm not sure
if the problem I am having is a result of my ignorance of creating forms in
Word or if I have just hit a limitation of this software, but here it is:

Even though my form is protected and even though limit the number of
character spaces per text form field, I find that if a user presses the enter
key while in a form field, they can reformat the entire document, creating
extra pages, enlarging tables, etc. The original document is still protected
but they can simply "save as" and all of their reformatting will be saved.
Is there a way to REALLY protect my document so that no matter what key a
user presses the document will not reformat? I hope this is clear and I hope
someone can help.


Charles Kenyon

For more about online forms, follow the links at or especially Dian
Chapman's series of articles. You may also want to look at

To constrain movement of other parts of forms because of user input, people
often use fixed-size table cells or frames to hold the form fields. (They
can type all they want, but only what shows up in the space you've defined
shows on screen or gets printed out.)

Hope this helps,

Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
from my ignorance and your wisdom.


Hi Charles,

How does one create fixed-sized table cells or frames? Sorry for my lack of
knowledge but if you could lead me to the information I will gladly dive in
and give my best shot.


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