protected word form calculations

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Are there any differences in how Word handles calculations entered thru Form
Fields - Calculations, Table - Formula or creating the formula from scratch?
and how do spaces affect calculations?

Generally - I don't have problems using Word's formulas but this one is
causing a lot of head scratching. There might be a number of factors going
on since I am using the US version of Word 2003 to construct an invoice type
form that will be used in Germany using the German version of Word 2003. All
number values when entered are set to be represented in Euros. Entry fields
and calculating fields where applicable have been set to numeric values and
the formatting to reflect Euros and Euros formatting.

This is a protected word template that uses simple formulas to calculate line
item totals. At the bottom of the last column where the formulas are
calculating the totals, I have a formula set to calculate the column total.
All of the individual line items are calculating properly.

Formulas for these rows are entered in column "F" and constructed as:
{=D1*E1*1\# "# ##0,00 €;(# ##0,00 €);"} and total properly.

Formula for the TOTAL at the bottom of column "F" is:
{=SUM(F1:F19) \# "# ##0,00 €;(# ##0,00 €);"} which starts off totaling
correctly but soon gets off the mark.

I can't see where in the formula(s) where it's going wrong...

Can any of the the MVP's assist with this wrangle??? Best regards, Lenny

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Your problem may be caused by the fact that you cannot use the result of a
formfield calculation as the input to another formfield calculation. All
calculations must be based entirely upon the data that is entered by the
user (plus the use of constants of course).

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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