Our company has compiled a very large database of products used in a
professional field. We use this data to create catalogs for
distributors of these products (at a cost far less than what they can
manually do it themselves). Many of the distributors would like access
to our data to create their web sites.
We would like to lease our database, but doing so would create a
Pandora's box scenario. Once we give it to them, we cannot get it back
when the lease is up. A good half of these distributors do not feel we
have a valid copyright on our data as a collective body of work even
though two different law firms have advised us we have a clearly
defined copyright.
Is there some way to make our database accessible to these
distributor's web sites, maintain control of it, prevent them from
copying it, and cut them off when their lease expires? Thanks.
professional field. We use this data to create catalogs for
distributors of these products (at a cost far less than what they can
manually do it themselves). Many of the distributors would like access
to our data to create their web sites.
We would like to lease our database, but doing so would create a
Pandora's box scenario. Once we give it to them, we cannot get it back
when the lease is up. A good half of these distributors do not feel we
have a valid copyright on our data as a collective body of work even
though two different law firms have advised us we have a clearly
defined copyright.
Is there some way to make our database accessible to these
distributor's web sites, maintain control of it, prevent them from
copying it, and cut them off when their lease expires? Thanks.