What I'm trying to do is define variables in word so that A user changes it
in one place and the doc is updated automatically. For example, doc date,
author, revision #. I defined variables in the preferences area and then put
those variables in multiple places in the word doc (title page, header,
footer). Works great, except that it is not protected in the word doc.
Issue I have is that a user can go in and overtype the field in the doc and
then defeat the purpose. Is there a way to protect a field in a word doc?
(this field is not a form field.)
Is there another approach?
What I'm trying to do is define variables in word so that A user changes it
in one place and the doc is updated automatically. For example, doc date,
author, revision #. I defined variables in the preferences area and then put
those variables in multiple places in the word doc (title page, header,
footer). Works great, except that it is not protected in the word doc.
Issue I have is that a user can go in and overtype the field in the doc and
then defeat the purpose. Is there a way to protect a field in a word doc?
(this field is not a form field.)
Is there another approach?