protecting styles from being changed


Chip Orange

We've developed several templates for large documents, often worked on by
multiple individuals, and we're having a problem with someone in the group
changing the pre-defined styles used in the document. They often do this
for some formatting need of their own particular section, and then don't see
how it changes the appearance of the entire document.

Is there any way (use of vba is fine for the solution) to keep styles that
were derived from the template from being changed?

Just to be clear, they're not changing the styles in the template itself,
just in the document in question.




Is there any way (use of vba is fine for the solution) to
keep styles that
were derived from the template from being changed

In my experience, no. This is a serious drawback to using
styles with several users in Word. Everyone needs to
understand the ramifications of their changes.

If anyone has a positive answer to this, I'd like to see
it too! Anyone? Anyone?

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