Protocol in Immediate window?


Helmut Weber

Hi everybody,

playing around with VBA a lot,
and not quite unexperiencend,
when hitting [alt F11] today,
just having started Excel,
I found myself in the immediate window,
and the following text there:

[auto_open] <
[SetupFunctionIDs] <
[SetupFunctionIDs] >
[PickPlatform] <
[PickPlatform] >
[VerifyOpen] <
[VerifyOpen] > 1
[RegisterFunctionIDs] <
[RegisterFunctionIDs] >
[auto_open] >

Sure, this is caused by some(!) auto_open.
But where is it?

Why does it write a kind of protocol
in the immediate window?

Sure, must be a feature,
but totally new to me.

Accidentally posted in ...word.vba
and on purpose posted in de.excel as well.

I can repeat it by: Application.Run "auto_open"

Greetings from Bavaria, Germany

Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA

Win XP, Office 2003
"red.sys" & Chr$(64) & ""

Bob Phillips

It's MS coders development code that they forget to take out before
shipping. It's the VBA Analayis Toolpak AFAIR



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

Gary Keramidas

yep, search the internet for the password to atpvbaen, then look in the code and
either, comment out or delete, the debug.print lines.

Helmut Weber

Hi everybody,

perfect. All solved.

Greetings from Bavaria, Germany

Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA

Win XP, Office 2003
"red.sys" & Chr$(64) & ""

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