Our initial setup didn't create the sites automatically when the project was
created even though it was configured to do this. After spending time with
MS our system engineers got it working. But now it's broken again. It
does create the site automatically but when I go to the View a Project page
with the view Tasks Summary and then click Risks on the menu bar, I go to a
page View and Submit risks in all projects and have a list of my projects.
When I click a project in this list, I go to the project's Risks page ok and
it seems to work. I didn't used to get this page with the list of
projects. Is this right or is there a configuration problem still?
created even though it was configured to do this. After spending time with
MS our system engineers got it working. But now it's broken again. It
does create the site automatically but when I go to the View a Project page
with the view Tasks Summary and then click Risks on the menu bar, I go to a
page View and Submit risks in all projects and have a list of my projects.
When I click a project in this list, I go to the project's Risks page ok and
it seems to work. I didn't used to get this page with the list of
projects. Is this right or is there a configuration problem still?