PS 2007 manipulating users



I have had 700 resources on project server, setup as being able to log into
project server, since we were going to activate timesheet. We never did. We
are not going in that direction now. We've purchased EPM Live for
timetracking and we're in the process of trueing up with Microsoft for CALs.
Since these resources have never accessed the PWA, and LIKELY never will, I
want to uncheck the resource can log into project server checkbox.

First, resource center won't allow me to uncheck "the resource can log into
project server" checkbox. I have found that if I change the resource to
generic, then back, the log in checkbox is uncheck.

Here's my issue. I believe my above workaroud is fine, as long as I never,
ever, ever want to allow those resources to access project server. Because,
once a change them back from generic to real resources, I can no longer opt
to check the resource can log in... checkbox. It remains grayed out.

So, if by some crazy happenstance, our leadership changes directions again,
and decides to eliminate EPM Live in the future, Do I have any other options?
Using my generic and back method above wouldn't allow folks back on to

Ben Howard

Hi Kerry,

I wouldn't worry about changing the abiltiy to log in, I would instead have
a group called "Users that cannot log in", and add the 700 resources to that
group, and explicity DENY the ability to log in to PWA and via Project Pro.
It's very easy to do and very quick. (Make sure you do not add you or the
admin at least to this group or you will be locked out).

It's very easy to change if your org changes direction. Also, please be
aware, you only need a CAL if you actually log in, rather than if you have
the ability to log in, so from a licencing perspective, you don't actually
need to do anything.

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