

Nahshon Evren fact the text of these tables seems to be independent of the
lines of the table themselves - when I copy past the formatting is lost and
it's just a great big mess


help !


Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hi Nashon

Nahshon said: fact the text of these tables seems to be independent of the
lines of the table themselves - when I copy past the formatting is lost and
it's just a great big mess

please try to stay in the same thread.

What you describe seems to be the result of the converter. We cannot say
from here what it really does, but it might not even yield a real (Word)
table, but lines/boxes and some text.

If the tables are all _very_ uniform, one might be able to come up with
a programmatic solution. Otherwise, you probably need to rebuild them
manually. After all, PDF is never meant to be "consumed" by anything
other than a viewer or printer application.


Nahshon Evren

please try to stay in the same thread.
What you describe seems to be the result of the converter. We cannot say
from here what it really does, but it might not even yield a real (Word)
table, but lines/boxes and some text.

If the tables are all _very_ uniform, one might be able to come up with a
programmatic solution. Otherwise, you probably need to rebuild them
manually. After all, PDF is never meant to be "consumed" by anything other
than a viewer or printer application.


Thanks for your advice; i'm amazed that no-one's come up with somthing
better than acrobat
or fine reader to automatically reset tables for example


Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Nahshon Evren wrote:
Thanks for your advice; i'm amazed that no-one's come up with somthing
better than acrobat
or fine reader to automatically reset tables for example

if you need to re-set tables in a document, get the original document
and work with them in whatever application they have been created. Once
any complex document is in PDF, rebuilding is often faster than tweaking
with the file there.



In Adobe Prof you can select the text AS TABLE. Then if you c/p into
Word said:
Nahshon Evren wrote:
Thanks for your advice; i'm amazed that no-one's come up with somthing

better than acrobat
or fine reader to automatically reset tables for example-

if you need to re-set tables in a document, get the original document
and work with them in whatever application they have been created. Once

any complex document is in PDF, rebuilding is often faster than
with the file there.

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