PS2003 Document Approval in DocLib and New Project Team Site Template



Hi Folks,

I have been trying to configure Project Server 2003 to have WSS project
sites generated to have the document approval feature enabled, similar
to how we have them configured in our other WSS team sites.
Unfortunately, I have arrived at a brick wall in doing this. The
default Project Workspace Template being used by PS2003 does not have
the feature configurable. I have searched this group for threads
regarding this, but all hits end up not being resolved.

As of late, I have noticed the MS has released new WSS templates, of
which a template labelled "Project Team Site" (Basic and Custom) was
available. I thought all the while that this was the solution, as I
tried installing the template to a WSS site and found out that the
document approval feature can be turned on. Unfortunately, doing the
procedure mentioned in the MSProjectExperts FAQ
( did not work. The procedure was not
done entirely step by step as I had to put some twist, which was to
install the template in the Project Workspace
(../MS_ProjectServer_PublicDocuments/) Site Template Gallery, which
allows me to select this template before creating a new template site.

I say it does not work as the template is not available in the Project
Web Access...Site Provisioning Settings pull-down menu. If a template
is created following the step-by-step instructions written in the
MSProjectExperts FAQ, the template can be viewed and selected as
expected. Conspicuously, doing an stsadm -o enumtemplate shows the

Custom Project Template - Language:1033 - Site Template: _Global_#1 -
Template Id:6215 <- based on FAQ

Project Team Site - Language:1033 - Site Template: _Global_#2 -
Template Id:1 <- using new WSS template, notice the Template Id: "1"

Is there any workaround that I can do to get the new template as the
default template?

Else, are there any other ways to get document approval on the document
library of a project 2003 generated site?

Would appreciate your inputs, comments, suggestions. Thanks a lot.


Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


The team site templates for WSS are not the same as the Project Template
that ships with Project Server. If you are going to create a new template,
you must base it on the Project Server template and you can't change what
you can't change.


Hi Gary,

Thanks for the response. I just don't get it that Microsoft would
exclude the document approval feature for the document library in
Project Server considering that it is already part of WSS and would not
cost them a penny. Also, the new WSS template are very comprehensive
and would really complement the Project Server project sites.

Would you have any idea if this was included in Project Server 2007?

Thanks a lot.


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