PS2007 Cannot edit global resources


Mac Hart

Editing resources worked fine a few weeks ago.

But now whenever I try to edit any global resources, I get an error message
and cannot open any of them to modify them. I can insert new global
resources from our active directory, but cannot modify them once they are

Error message received: Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007 is
required for this action. Ensure that your copy of Project Professional can
connect to this server. If both of these conditions are true and you still
get this message, contact the system administrator for assistance.

I am the administrator!

Scenario and steps:
1. Open Project Pro 2007, which connects to server
2. Select the Tools => Enterprise options => enterprise global resource pool
3. The PWA page (resource center) opens in my Project Pro window.
4. I select one or more of the resources, then I click the "Open" button.
5. I get the above error message.
6. Even if the error message displays, I can change the view in Project Pro
to "Resource Sheet". It opens up blank, but I can insert new resources.

This PS2007 system and the project pro have all the service packs and latest
fixes applied.

Any ideas would be appreciated. (I have searched for information for a few
hours and just couldn't find any.)

HM (Mac) Hart
Crawford & Company
Atlanta, GA
(e-mail address removed)

Dale Howard [MVP]

Mac --

Are you a member of any other security Groups in Project Server 2007 other
than the Administrators group? If so, remove yourself from every other
Group. Let us know if this solves your problem.


Mac --

Are you a member of any other security Groups in Project Server 2007 other
than the Administrators group?  If so, remove yourself from every other
Group.  Let us know if this solves your problem.

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Are you sure that you checked the resources in last time you edited

Mac Hart

I really appreciate your ideas and help. I figure you have seen almost
everything possible with these systems. I have tried the suggested items.

Problem still persists.

I changed my permissions to only belonging to the administrator category and
setting global permissions using the administrator template. The identical
message appears.

I checked and there is NOTHING checked out. This is a new, clean system as
we plan to move people off the PS2003 system to this. (Note: we did NOT use
the migration tool. Tried that on the development system and determined at
our current size to just start with a clean system.)

A user with "Resource Manager" has the same identical error message. And a
few weeks ago, this user was able to edit the Enterprise Resource Pool just
as I was able to do so. We didn't use the EDIT function for a few weeks. So
this week I started using it again after entering in the new users. Thats
when it failed. (Note: there are no other users in this system that are
working with the Enterprise resource pool.)

Also, that error message is immediate -- this acts like it never even goes
to a web page or does a web access, like there is some registry setting
wrong, or missing object, etc.

I have to run both Project Pro 2003 and 2007, and the PWA for both. But the
other user has only 2007 version stuff.

Again, thanks. Really appreciate your thoughts on this.

HM (Mac) Hart
Crawford & Company
Atlanta, GA
(e-mail address removed)

Dale Howard [MVP]

Mac --

The plot thickens. :) Would you please try the following:

1. Log into PWA with administrator permissions.
2. Click Server Settings - Project Web Access Permissions.
3. Confirm that the "Edit Enterprise Resource Data" permission is enabled
in the Resource section (if not, enable it).
4. Click the Save button.

The first set of steps will confirm whether the highest level permissions
are enabled for editing enterprise resources. Next, do the following:

1. Click Server Settings - Manage Groups.
2. Click the name of the Administrators group to edit it.
3. Confirm that this Group contains ONLY the My Organization category. If
any other Categories are present, delete them.
4. Select the My Organization category.
5. In the permissions grid for the selected Category, make sure all of the
permissions are set to Allow.
6. Expand the Global Permissions grid and make sure all permissions are set
to Allow.
7. Click the Save button.

Next, check your own user account as follows:

1. Click Server Settings - Manage Users.
2. Click your own name to edit your account.
3. In the Security Categories section, make sure that there are NO
Categories listed. If there are any, remove them.
4. In the Global Permissions section, make sure that neither Allow or Deny
is selected for every permission.
5. Click the Save button.

Let us know what you find performing each of the above sets of steps.

Mac Hart

The problem is fixed now. Strange. Still not sure what may have caused this.

I very much appreciate your help and comments. It's comforting to know that
you and your MVP associates are accessible when we get really stuck.

Just to be very sure, I did go through your steps below. All the settings
you specified were already in place.

Between last post and this, I re-installed Project Pro 2007 using the REPAIR
installation option.When I come to stubborn problems, I try this step as a
near last resort. (Last resort is dropping the laptop off a tall building).
I tested out the Tools=>Enterprise Options=>Open Enterprise Resource Pool,
and everything is working fine now.

My best guess (need to research this): there may have been some patch/update
pushed to each computer via corporate network that damaged or replaced
something (object, registry entry, dll, etc.??) that project professional
needs. Sometime between when this function worked and when it stopped
working, a dialog appeared indicating office was configuring this program
for first time use. It was like the computer didn't realize I had already
run the program. I thought it strange, but everything else seemed to work
fine at the time.

HM (Mac) Hart
Crawford & Company
Atlanta, GA
(e-mail address removed)

Dale Howard [MVP]

Mac --

Thanks for letting us to know the solution to your problem. And you are
more than welcome for the help, my friend! :)

Mike Emson


I wholly sympathise; as of this morning I have two users reporting exactly
the same symptoms. It was working perfectly last night but this morning, bang!

The only difference; they both installed Tuesday's batch of patches last
night before they went home.

I'm getting the patch list from them so that we can start to correlate and
find the culprit. I suggest you do the same and then let's compare notes.

Mike Emson
Senior Technical Architect
Psion Teklogix Inc.

Daniel Beale

Hi All,

Well, It appears that I have the same problem with 3 project pro users (all of them). I have tried Suggestions by both Dale and Mac and the problem is still there.

I have 2 PS2007 SP1 Servers, one test and the other production and both exhibit the behaviour. Project Pro is 2007 and with SP1 applied.

The problem has only just appeared in the last week or so. I thought it may go away once SP1 was applied but it didn't.

I have just noted another post titled "Cannot open projects/project professional from PWA project center" and suggest that the problem described may be caused by the same thing.

Have a good weekend,

Daniel Beale.

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