PS2007 - Master Project not loading to Project Details


Rick F.

I'm having a problem where my master project will not load to project details
on PWA. The original master had 4 sub-projects with 4851 lines total and
loaded to project details when clicked on from project center just fine. One
more sub-project was added of only 108 lines, saved and published. Now, when
you click on the master to get to project details, you get "Project Center
cannot access the project(s) you are trying to view. It is most likely that
you either don't have permissions to view the project, another user has
deleted this project(s) before you were able to view it or that another user
is in the process of publishing the project."

If i remove the last project added, project details again displays the
master. All sub-projects display fine in project center and project details.
Is there a line limit or some switch that needs to be thrown to allow past a
certain number of sub-projects and/or lines? Anyone out there run into this
that could provide some insight or resolution? Appreciate any help on this

Andrew Lavinsky

Have you published both the sub project and the master project? I think
that resolved a similar issue I had, but can't recall the details.


Rick F.

Hi Andrew, thanks for the response. To answer your question, the indivisual
project owners publish after they make updates (several times a week). I
publish the master every week. Do all have to be published at the same time?

Rick F.

An interesting update on this. I've been one by one removing and re-adding
the sub-projects and have found that one particular sub-project when loaded
(not the last one as originally thought) is causing the no load situation.
I'm working with the owner on this to see if I can track down the problem.
More to come...

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