PSComPlus and WSS Disconnects...



Each day we have to re-execute PSComPlus in order to communicate with WSS.
After we run it on the Project Server, the connections are OK; however, each
morning, we have to run the tool in order to restore the connection. Is
there something we are overlooking? Please help...

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


Talk to your network security folks about domain security policies that
might cause this.

Michelle Dalco

Thanks for the information. I have suggested that the username and/or
password used to setup Sharepoint Services was not the same as the ones used
for the SQL db. When I made the suggestion to our network security guy, he
indicated that the used the names recommended in the installation guide
(Microsoft Online Books) for both accounts, which are different. Do you think
that is the culprit? Do the names have to be the same? I look forward to
your recommendation.

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


I don't think it has anything to do with the names or passwords used.

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