.pst Corrupted File


M.Ummer Malik

my pst file corrupted during copy from old mechine, the file size is ok but
when i try to open it a massage is coming "is not a personnel file folder" i
try to repair through scanpst and scanost but result is negetive, how i can
restore my data from corrupted file? also i created backup and restore but


Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

You used active voice, as if your PST file corrupted itself on its own with
no help from you. Logic and reality dictate otherwise. Post a more accurate
account of your problem.

neo [mvp outlook]

You didn't say how you are trying to move the file across, but here is a
wild guess....

If you still have a copy of the PST on the old machine and you are trying to
move it to the new via a CD-R/CD-RW/DVD-R/DVD-RW, make sure you set the burn
speed to 4x or slower.

Pat Willener

Make sure that the read-only attribute is not set on the file. If the
problem persists, copy the file again, possibly compressed in a ZIP
file, which will preserve all data and attributes.

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

my pst file corrupted during copy from old mechine, the file size is ok but
when i try to open it a massage is coming "is not a personnel file folder" i
try to repair through scanpst and scanost but result is negetive, how i can
restore my data from corrupted file? also i created backup and restore but

If SCANPST won't fix it, then you'll need a commercial product. Google
"(office OR pst) recovery"

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