PST folder redirection issues




I created a new personal folder in my outlook 2007 in vista, i saved it in
my documents (which is folder redirected in our network share) and offline
copies turn on, so in case i get disconnected i still have access on it

but unfortunately, when disconnected, i can no longer access my personal
folder whose pst file is saved in my docs because it was trying to locate the
one in the network share and not the one from the offline copy

any solutions you can give to remedy the situation?


jup said:

I created a new personal folder in my outlook 2007 in vista, i saved it in
my documents (which is folder redirected in our network share) and offline
copies turn on, so in case i get disconnected i still have access on it

but unfortunately, when disconnected, i can no longer access my personal
folder whose pst file is saved in my docs because it was trying to locate
one in the network share and not the one from the offline copy

any solutions you can give to remedy the situation?

Certainly in XP, pst files were NOT included in Offline Files by design.
There is a workaround, but be warned, this is NOT supported or recommended
by MS, so any data loss will be on your own head.

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