PST is not a personal folders file


js messier

I have restored this file from a back up on a cd. it is 300 M in size. I have
cleared the read only attribute. I cannot open it with scanpst.exe, because
it tells me the same message. I encounter this behavior from all my pst
backup on CD or DVD.

I use office 2003 (outlook 2003)

can someone have any idea to troubleshoot these (or know a recovery tool,
free or not)


Roady [MVP]

You cannot read it from a CD as per definition it is a Read Only medium
(once written). You must first copy the data back to your harddisk and then
remove the Read Only file attribute. Then connect to it by File-> Open->
Outlook Data File...

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-FREE tool; QuickMail. Create new Outlook items anywhere from within Windows
-Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data

I have restored this file from a back up on a cd. it is 300 M in size. I
cleared the read only attribute. I cannot open it with scanpst.exe, because
it tells me the same message. I encounter this behavior from all my pst
backup on CD or DVD.

I use office 2003 (outlook 2003)

can someone have any idea to troubleshoot these (or know a recovery tool,
free or not)


js messier

The pst files where restored from CD and DVD. This means they are on a local
hard drive. And like i stated earlier, i have removed the read only attribute
once the files where on the local drive (not cd or DVD)

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