PST works on all machines but the original client?


Chu Rey


User comes to me saying pc running all day. Did nothing to alter
anything. Went into Outlook 2000. Contacts and Calendar data missing.
She indicated it was all there hours before.

Ran import backupPST off Server. Contacts and calendar entries are
empty. Ran import backup PST into a couple of other machines. The
contacts emerge; however, the calendar material is missing. At least
proved that the data was there.

I ran the inbox repair and Office repair on her machine. Though my
backup PST works on other machines I can't get hers to install the
data inherent with her backupPST?

The only items that paste into her outlook are the deleted 'task'
I'm stumped. It's as though Outlook 2000 self destructed whilst the
end user was out to lunch.

It seems if I could remove Outlook 2000 from her win98 machine.
Install fresh, I could get back my Outlook data. I could perhaps
delete all the folders and boxes and run import again.

What's baffling is where the calendar entries evaportated into. Even
the ones from months ago from another pst backup I can't get the data
to paste into outlook. I assume they are missing as in the left corner
in calendar items listed = Zero.

Charlie M

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