Patti Urban
I'm puzzled. I've been using Pub 2000 for my website for
several years and have had very little problems with it.
Now I've got Pub 2003. I thought I liked it because I
just redesigned my entire website -- making it more
functional by including many more .pdf documents.
When I uploaded the website, none of the .pdf file links
work. After paying $35 today to speak with a MS tech,
I'm still no where.
In Pub 2000, all the .pdf files automatically transferred
over when I saved as a webpage. Now, they don't. So,
I've copied them into a website folder, then saved the
website to the same folder. Again, I uploaded site to
server (I'm using FTP Pro) and again --no links.
several years and have had very little problems with it.
Now I've got Pub 2003. I thought I liked it because I
just redesigned my entire website -- making it more
functional by including many more .pdf documents.
When I uploaded the website, none of the .pdf file links
work. After paying $35 today to speak with a MS tech,
I'm still no where.
In Pub 2000, all the .pdf files automatically transferred
over when I saved as a webpage. Now, they don't. So,
I've copied them into a website folder, then saved the
website to the same folder. Again, I uploaded site to
server (I'm using FTP Pro) and again --no links.