Public Folders, MAPITables and comboboxes?




I have a public folder (contacts) that contains Personnel information
for a company ie, Name, Job Title, Direct Phone, Direct Fax, Mobile,
Email Address.... I need to access this information for a dialog box
that runs from my Com AddIn (VB6.0) when a certain button is pushed.
I want the user to be able to choose their name from the combobox and
then automatically fill in the rest of the info required (job title,
direct phone etc). I have read that you can use MAPITables via
Outlook Redemption to populate comboboxes very quickly but havevn't
been able to find any examples or outlines on how to acheive this, can
someone give me some ideas?

Thanks in advance


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

There are a number of samples on the Redemption Web site for using
MAPITables. Look at and click on the MAPI
Tables button at the top of the screen. Scroll down and you'll see examples
of using filtered MAPI tables.

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