publication 'loses' picture


Susanne Wenzel

Hi to everyone,

I am creating a travel diary with PublisherXP, which is my first encounter
with this program (so I am a complete novice to Publisher). I have no idea
whether Publisher was made for such a use, but as it is, it works fine for
me. So far I'm content with my publications (one for each day), but a few
questions have arisen.

This was the only newsgroup about Publisher I could find so I decided to
ask here. I've googled quite a bit but was not successful.

So much for the introduction, now one of my questions.:)

Sometimes (unfortunately I can't make out a regular pattern) the
publication I open does not display all the pictures I've inserted, as far
as I can tell it's just one that is missing. Instead I have an empty frame
(with the appropriate size), so I have to insert that picture again.
Afterwards it's okay, but that situation is a bit annoying.

Did anybody else come across this and could give me a hint what's wrong?
(I hope this question is not too silly). Just a link would be more than

One other general thing: would this be the right newsgroup for questions
concerning vba in Publisher?

Thanks for reading
Greetings from Germany

System: Win2k, OfficeXP (all on highest patch level)

Ed Bennett

Susanne said:
I am creating a travel diary with PublisherXP, which is my first encounter
with this program (so I am a complete novice to Publisher).

Note that whilst Office XP is called Office XP, the programs within it
are named "2002" instead - the version of Publisher you are using is in
fact Publisher 2002. It's a common mistake, don't worry.
This was the only newsgroup about Publisher I could find so I decided to
ask here.

You've come to the right place :)
Sometimes (unfortunately I can't make out a regular pattern) the
publication I open does not display all the pictures I've inserted, as far
as I can tell it's just one that is missing. Instead I have an empty frame
(with the appropriate size), so I have to insert that picture again.

Are you using linked pictures?
Do the pictures display in Graphics Manager?
Do the pictures display when you print?
One other general thing: would this be the right newsgroup for questions
concerning vba in Publisher?

Nope, that would be the subgroup microsoft.public.publisher.programming.

I'm not sure whether the news server you're using carries that group. If
Dialog/Hamster supports multiple servers, I'd suggest you set up access
to the news server ''. This will allow access to all
the microsoft public newsgroups, including

Susanne Wenzel

Am Sun, 02 Jul 2006 11:08:51 -0400 schrieb Ed Bennett:
Note that whilst Office XP is called Office XP, the programs within it
are named "2002" instead - the version of Publisher you are using is in
fact Publisher 2002. It's a common mistake, don't worry.

I do not.;-)
It's just more common to me to name the programs within Office XP like that
(at least for excel, accesss and word in the newsgroups). But I have no
problem with Publisher 2002, so I will stick to it within this group.
You've come to the right place :)

Hooray, at least that! :)
Are you using linked pictures?

Well, as I mentioned in my post, I'm a novice. And as I've got the German
interface it's a bit of a problem for me to answer your questions, but I
try. I can't figure out if it's a linked picture, the properties do not
tell me that. Probably I'm looking at the wrong place. But I can describe
what I do when I insert a picture.

I go to Insert (hopefully it is called like that, it's the 4th menupoint
from the left), then to Graphics, then From File..., then I browse for the
picture, highlight the file and click on insert...
Do the pictures display in Graphics Manager?

What do you mean by Graphics Manager? The preview of the browser?
Do the pictures display when you print?

To be honest, I can't tell you that, because I do not print from the
computer where I'm creating my publications (I've got a pretty poor printer
at home...) and when I take them to the place to print, the problem is
already fixed, because I've inserted it again. But I'm pretty sure I don't
see the picture in page preview.

I've tried to translate all captions from the German interface, I hope you
can follow...
Nope, that would be the subgroup microsoft.public.publisher.programming.

Fine, I've found it.
I'm not sure whether the news server you're using carries that group.

Yeah, it does.
If Dialog/Hamster supports multiple servers,

See above:)
I'd suggest you set up access to the news server ''.
This will allow access to all the microsoft public newsgroups, including

Thanks for the advice but my server carries all microsoft groups I'm
interested in, so I don't have to switch the server. In fact, I dropped the
microsoft servers...

Thanks for your answers and patience

Ed Bennett

Susanne said:
I go to Insert (hopefully it is called like that, it's the 4th menupoint
from the left), then to Graphics, then From File..., then I browse for the
picture, highlight the file and click on insert...

So no, then. (To link pictures, you click the arrow to the right of the
Insert button and click a different button on the menu that appears).
What do you mean by Graphics Manager? The preview of the browser?

No, Graphics Manager is an option available from the Tools menu. I'm
sorry, I don't have Windows working for me at the moment or I would load
up my German copy of Publisher to check the name!
To be honest, I can't tell you that, because I do not print from the
computer where I'm creating my publications (I've got a pretty poor printer
at home...) and when I take them to the place to print, the problem is
already fixed, because I've inserted it again. But I'm pretty sure I don't
see the picture in page preview.

You could try creating a PDF - there's a free PDF converter at that will let you check. This displays exactly the same
as is passed to the printer if you were to print.
I've tried to translate all captions from the German interface, I hope you
can follow...

Yep you're virtually word perfect so far :)
Thanks for your answers and patience

Any time. Tschüss!

Susanne Wenzel

Am Sun, 02 Jul 2006 21:04:56 +0100 schrieb Ed Bennett:
So no, then. (To link pictures, you click the arrow to the right of the
Insert button and click a different button on the menu that appears).

I take it you mean inserting via clipboard? (Just out of interest)
No, Graphics Manager is an option available from the Tools menu. I'm
sorry, I don't have Windows working for me at the moment or I would load
up my German copy of Publisher to check the name!

No need, I've found it.

For the slight chance there will be a 'googler' anytime from now on, the
Graphics Manager in the German version can be found in "Extras/Tools für
den professionellen Druck/Grafik Manager..."
Next time I come across this phenomenon I will check there.

You could try creating a PDF - there's a free PDF converter at that will let you check. This displays exactly the same
as is passed to the printer if you were to print.

I've just downloaded it...
Yep you're virtually word perfect so far :)


Do I understand it correctly that this is the first time you've heard about
this specific problem?

If I'm right, what would you advise me to do?
Most important for me is that everything is printed out, so okay, I do not
*need* to see it while working upon the publication. But it is a bit
irritating not to see what kind of picture I've inserted and just rely on
the printer to do the right job (WYSIWYG, if you understand what I mean...)
Any time. Tschüss!

I didn't know the English keyboard layout knows the letter 'ü'... :)


Ed Bennett

Susanne said:
Do I understand it correctly that this is the first time you've heard about
this specific problem?

With these exact details, yes.
If I'm right, what would you advise me to do?
Most important for me is that everything is printed out, so okay, I do not
*need* to see it while working upon the publication. But it is a bit
irritating not to see what kind of picture I've inserted and just rely on
the printer to do the right job (WYSIWYG, if you understand what I mean...)

If it prints fine but does not display on screen, then I can tell you
exactly what the problem is and how to solve it. See the third FAQ at
I didn't know the English keyboard layout knows the letter 'ü'... :)

It doesn't - you can fake it in Windows (hold Alt and tap 0252 on the
numeric keypad), but in Linux as far as I know you have to switch to the
German layout.

Susanne Wenzel

Am Sun, 02 Jul 2006 23:04:48 +0100 schrieb Ed Bennett:

If it prints fine but does not display on screen, then I can tell you
exactly what the problem is and how to solve it. See the third FAQ at

I see Dave had nearly the same question and got this answer from Mary.
Although it seems to me that not a single picture at all is displayed on
his screen.

Ok, I sum it up:
Next time this happens, I'll check whether the 'missing' picture would be
printed, then I know I have a problem with the driver. If not I'll have to
think about a solution (as I'm qite a lazy person I think it will be
something in vba:).

Thanks a lot for your help!


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