Call me dumb but for the life of me I cannot figure this out. Hopefully
someone can point me in the right direction. HEre is the scenario;
Designing form using infopath 2007 on Windows Vista OS.
Outlook 2007 with Exchange Server 2003
Other users using Infopath 2003 and Outlook 2003 on Windows XP.
We need the following functionality.
User should be able to navigate to Outlook Public folder, go directly to the
form and enter their data. Meaning we do not want the user to have the form
as an email attachment it should be just as if opening a document entering
the data and then closing the document.
Question: (1) How can we accomplish this?
(2) How do we publish the form to a public folder?
Thanks to anyone for any help.
someone can point me in the right direction. HEre is the scenario;
Designing form using infopath 2007 on Windows Vista OS.
Outlook 2007 with Exchange Server 2003
Other users using Infopath 2003 and Outlook 2003 on Windows XP.
We need the following functionality.
User should be able to navigate to Outlook Public folder, go directly to the
form and enter their data. Meaning we do not want the user to have the form
as an email attachment it should be just as if opening a document entering
the data and then closing the document.
Question: (1) How can we accomplish this?
(2) How do we publish the form to a public folder?
Thanks to anyone for any help.