Publish from FrontpPage behind and ISA Server


Nuno Borges


We have to servers, one for web services, and the other that is a PDC with
SBS 2000, for ours applications.
Our problem is that i can not configure any client in the domain, to publish
a FrontPage site to the other server, because i receiv a pop message saying,
that i'm behind a Proxy server.
The only way we are using is to publish to a local folder that is accessible
from both the servers, and then publish the site on the web server.

Thanks in advance

Nuno Borges


I have SBS2k as well. Gp to your Internet Explorer then to Tools |Opinions |
Connections | LAN settings | Advanced.. (making sure your have only the Use
a proxy server and bypass proxy server checked with http://servername port
8080) | then add your website address in the exceptions box:

The click ok to exit. Then, try to publish via File | Publish and publish to

IF this doesn't work. One of two things else to do, if not both. Clear the
cache on the client:

Go:/Documents and settings\user.domain\Application Data\Microsoft\Web Server
Extensions\Cache and delete all the *.web pertaining to that site.

IF that didn't work, get your admin if it is not you to add an ALLOW ALL
rule in the access policy in ISA:

Method 1: Create an Allow Protocol Rule
If your network needs do not dictate the enforcing of rules by limiting
users to specific sites, the simplest way to open up access is to create an
"Allow All/All/All" rule. However, this type of rule effectively disables
any deny rules and limits your ability to restrict users' Internet use on
your network, but you may find this rule useful for troubleshooting.

To create an "Allow All/All/All" rule:
1.. In ISA Management, click your server to select it.
2.. Click to expand Access Policy.
3.. Right-click Protocol Rules, and then click New.
4.. Create an allow protocol rule, and then click Next.
5.. Enable the rule to apply to all IP traffic, and then click Next.
6.. Click to select the schedule, and then click Next.
7.. Click Any Request, click Next, and then click Finish


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