When I try to publish my web to the remote server, FrontPage gets half way
through the process, then throws up the follwing error-
Server Error: Cannot open file "index.htm.tmp" for writing.
I then press the Publish button again and it goes through the publishing
process again, then gets stuck on the same file again.
Please don't tell me to use CuteFTP, WS_FTP or change to DW as everyone I've
mentioned my problem to has told me to do. Microsoft products do
work...................don't they?
through the process, then throws up the follwing error-
Server Error: Cannot open file "index.htm.tmp" for writing.
I then press the Publish button again and it goes through the publishing
process again, then gets stuck on the same file again.
Please don't tell me to use CuteFTP, WS_FTP or change to DW as everyone I've
mentioned my problem to has told me to do. Microsoft products do
work...................don't they?