Publish mutiple Visio pages and show pages on Web



I am struggling to find out how to pubsh page visio file onto the web and
then see the page or sheet names separately beneath the web page - like can then click on those page names and go to those sheets

Can any bodyhelp


I have been struggling with same issue. My crude solution is working in two
1. Edit in Visio 2003
2. Save as Visio (vsd) file version 2002
3. In Visio 2002, open and save as web page
4. In the web page created (…..frames.htm) open and change this line of text
// Now put this frameset inside another one. This one will contain the
// custom property viewer as well. changed 25% to 0% and 75% to 100% on
next line
var frmsetTotal = CreateFrameset (frameCPText, frmsetOutput,
'cols="0%,100%" onload="LoadFrames()"', "");
Change the text line to reflect “cols=0%,100%â€
I am tired of working in multiple versions of the product. Would like to
know if 2007 or SharePoint can do this more efficiently.

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