Hello. Yes you are correct, I left the wssURL parameter as "" for the default
workspace. No link shows up in the pwa however the project is created and if
I type in the ULR localhost/pwa/project Name I go to the workspace and see
that the site template was used.
After some testing etc I am thinking that the site template supplied to me
was generated from a workspace that was already linked to a project.
When I use a site template I generated, ensuring to my knowledge that is
was not linked to an existing project all is fine. I look in the event log
for the previous errors and see these types below with the same project ID
16406 (guessing this is the project id)
Standard Information

SI Entry Point: WssInterop.CreateWssSite
Project User: xxxxx\xxxxx
Correlation Id: e0b07809-446c-4861-bde5-fabc023b0860
SSP Name: ProjectServerSharedServices
PSError: WSSSpWebAlreadyLinkedToProject (16406)
The Web site specified is already linked to another project. Select another
Web site and try again.
So maybe the workspace I am seeing after publishing the project is the
original project the site template was based on? (How to tell?) If so it is
interesting that the queuepublish() method is not an atomic block of actions.
I.E. it seems to publish the project and then fail on the provisioning part.
thank you