publish to frontpage server w/ extensions w/out using frontpage?



I have some webpages that I've already created and will not require any
further editing. I need to publish them to a server using frontpage
extensions but I don't own frontpage myself (nor do I know anybody who
does). I'd rather not buy frontpage just for a one-time upload. Is
there any cheap or free software that will allow me to do this? (In
case it isn't clear, I cannot use FTP to upload to a frontpage server
with extensions installed).


Tom [Pepper] Willett

You will need FrontPage to publish to a server with the FP extensions.

Andrew Murray

You will need Frontpage to publish to a server with the server extensions
installed. As you've pointed out, using any thing else will corrupt the

There are trial versions of frontpage available from Microsoft and there is
the free Frontpage Express still around somewhere (it was on the Windows 98

I'm interested to know why you need to publish to a FP extension enabled
server when your site doesn't contain any of the features that require the
FPSE (besides the http publishing mode) when publishing by FTP will be
sufficient for your purposes.


Andrew said:
I'm interested to know why you need to publish to a FP extension enabled
server when your site doesn't contain any of the features that require the
FPSE (besides the http publishing mode) when publishing by FTP will be
sufficient for your purposes.

I can't give you actual technical reasons but a friend is hosting my
site (as opposed to using my ISP). For the first year or two his
server was set up so I could upload via FTP. He recently changed
servers to a Frontpage server with server extensions. Whatever
settings he has makes it so I can't upload using FTP.

He told me, "there seems to be a conflict between the FP server
extensions installed on my server and the use of FTP to move files back
and forth."

I looked at the download site for the trial version a while back but if
I recall correctly it doesn't actually let you upload, only play around
with creating a web.

Will Dreamweaver work to publish to a FP server?

Thanks for the replies,


Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

DW will work on a server with FP extensions installed but DW uses FTP so it
will break the extensions. Sounds like you friend may have not configured
the server properly?

You "should" be able to ftp a FP web, but it will break the FP extensions,
but if you're not using any of the FP components that require the extensions
it doesn't matter does it.

| Andrew Murray wrote:
| > I'm interested to know why you need to publish to a FP extension enabled
| > server when your site doesn't contain any of the features that require
| > FPSE (besides the http publishing mode) when publishing by FTP will be
| > sufficient for your purposes.
| I can't give you actual technical reasons but a friend is hosting my
| site (as opposed to using my ISP). For the first year or two his
| server was set up so I could upload via FTP. He recently changed
| servers to a Frontpage server with server extensions. Whatever
| settings he has makes it so I can't upload using FTP.
| He told me, "there seems to be a conflict between the FP server
| extensions installed on my server and the use of FTP to move files back
| and forth."
| I looked at the download site for the trial version a while back but if
| I recall correctly it doesn't actually let you upload, only play around
| with creating a web.
| Will Dreamweaver work to publish to a FP server?
| Thanks for the replies,
| I

Tina Clarke

Tom [Pepper] Willett said:
You will need FrontPage to publish to a server with the FP extensions.
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support:
I have some webpages that I've already created and will not require any
further editing. I need to publish them to a server using frontpage
extensions but I don't own frontpage myself (nor do I know anybody who
does). I'd rather not buy frontpage just for a one-time upload. Is
there any cheap or free software that will allow me to do this? (In
case it isn't clear, I cannot use FTP to upload to a frontpage server
with extensions installed).


Hi Randomonia

If your host gives you access to a control panel, you could insert them
indivdually that way. I have a host like that, with fpse on the server, no

Speak to your host, they might put the pages there for a fee, otherwise, if
it's not more than three or four pages just ask on the newsgroup for someone
to help you out.

If you don't mind waiting till the middle of next week as long as there is
not a lot I'll do it for you.

Tina - Microsoft MVP - FrontPage - FrontPage Resource Centre - Ezine with Free E-books - Original Abstract Art - FrontPage Add-ons - FrontPage Tips

Tina Clarke

I can't give you actual technical reasons but a friend is hosting my
site (as opposed to using my ISP). For the first year or two his
server was set up so I could upload via FTP. He recently changed
servers to a Frontpage server with server extensions. Whatever
settings he has makes it so I can't upload using FTP.

He told me, "there seems to be a conflict between the FP server
extensions installed on my server and the use of FTP to move files back
and forth."

I looked at the download site for the trial version a while back but if
I recall correctly it doesn't actually let you upload, only play around
with creating a web.

If your friend put fpse on ... then he must have frontpage .. can't he put
the pages on for you?



Tina said:
if you don't mind waiting till the middle of next week as long as there is
not a lot I'll do it for you.

Thanks for the generous offer but there are lots of pages.
If your friend put fpse on ... then he must have frontpage .. can't he put
the pages on for you?

I've thought of that and that's probably what I'll end up doing - just
put them all on a disc and snail mail it to him.

Thanks for all the advice!

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