publish to primary & backup server



can i specify which server to publish to?
rather than publishig to and having FP
find the primary server, can i specify it to publish to on a secondary server?

issues: many web sites hosted on the servers, so just
specifying the server name won't work i suspect.

the work around of having customers publish to their
local drive, then FTP'ing to specific servers seems
cumbersome. (and we'd have to set up FTP access).

Thomas A. Rowe

FP works best when it can publish to a rootweb or subweb that has the FP

Use the File Menu | Publish Web command, which allows you to specific the
URL for publishing each time.

You can also publish to domain name that is sharing an IP address with other
domains, however if the DNS fails, then you can't access the website, since
there is no unique IP address. However this doesn't always work well and
requires a good understanding the FP extensions and managing the specific
server with shared IPs.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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