Publish to Web creates bad page names



Instead of page names such as /greetingcards.htm, Publish to Web creates
page names like file:///C:\index_files\greetingcards.htm. Someone suggested
removing any matter on the master page, but that didn't help. Any other
ideas? See


I thought it might be worth trying to Publish to the Web on another computer
and version of Publisher, so I put the Publisher file with my completed site
on to a CD and took it to a local service bureau. What I got from that was
correct page names, although all of the renamed pages were stripped out and
they were taken back to default names
(, etc.). But, hey, my site is now up
and running again.

I do want to pursue this and get it fixed, because it is obviously a problem
with my version of Publisher, and I can't be running down to the service
bureau every time I want to make a change to my site. Can I download an
updated version of the software that fixes such issues as this?


Don't use a master page in a Publisher web publication. If you are putting
the navbar on a master page you can get the results you are reporting. Also,
if you are only doing a web preview, the address will show this type of
path, as all the html files are sitting in a temp file on your
computer...your C drive, and the same if you are testing the index.htm file
if it is sitting on your computer.

Preview the web site and mouseover the menu, and look in the status will see a relative link: "index_files/greetingcards.htm". If so,
then upload the index.htm and index_files folder to your host and you should
be good to go.



Thanks, David. Please note the followup post I made earlier in the day. The
problem is definitely with my copy of Publisher. It has gone wonky somehow
and uninstalling and reinstalling it hasn't helped.

By the way, the service bureau people saved the Publish to the Web files as
"Index" instead of "index" and I have to go back to them now to have it
redone, because the site won't work with the upper case "I."

Mike Koewler


Er, the "page name" is the path to where your files are being read from.
If you upload them, you will see they are being read from

There is nothing wrong with your version of Pub - it is acting exactly
as it should.

Nor do you need to go to a Service Bureau to upload your file. If you
publish them to a folder, you (usually) can use an FTP program such as
Cute FTP or Filezilla to upload them to your web site.


Thanks, Mike.

Just a note that I didn't go to the service bureau to UPLOAD the file, just
to have them PUBLISH TO THE WEB (actually, because they had an earlier
version of Publisher -- 2002) to EXPORT.

I then brought the "published files" back to my computer and uploaded them
to my ISP with CuteFTP and they worked OK. As I said in an earlier post, the
page names I had added under Web Options were changed back to the default
numbers, but at least my site is up and running.

This experience proved to me that the problem is definitely with my version
of Publisher 2003 and I will take DavidF's suggestion and try to update it
with the appropriate service packs.

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