Publish to Web


Fred Goldman

Hi all,

I don't know too much about web publishing, just every once in a while I
like too upload a file or some text for other people to look at. Until now
I've been using Publisher 98 with the web publishing wizard. With Verizon DSL
I have a small amount of space that I'm aloud to upload files to. This was
working ok. It got the job done.

Now I'm trying out Publisher 2003 and choosing Publish to web, typing my web
address in the dialog box, and it just keeps saying web site not found. Is
there something I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance.


I haven't used Pub 98, but I think it works much the same as Pub 2000, in
that when you produce your html content there are no subfolders. Also, I
think that the default index file used an .html extension. Pub 2003 by
default produces index.htm and an index_files folder containing the
supporting graphics and other pages of the site. It may be that you are not
uploading both the index.htm file and the index_files folder?

Perhaps your ISP does not allow subfolders on their free space. In which
case you might go to tools > options> web tab and uncheck Organize
supporting files in a subfolder.

If you are using the FTP uploading protocol, review that article and the
troubleshooting article here:
and see if that leads to a solution.


Fred Goldman

Thanks Dave, in Pub98 I didn't need an ftp client. But I just downloaded
filezilla and it's working great! Thanks for your help.

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