Publish without FrontPage?



I've been asked by a local non-profit organization to help with their
website since their web person is 'out of the country for a few
months'. The only thing they're able to tell me is how to access pages
using FrontPage. I've tried WebDrive, a shareware package that claims
FrontPage equivalence. Are there any mechanisms for accessing pages
with FrontPage logins without actually having FrontPage?

Many thanks for your assistance.


Kevin Spencer

As long as you don't use any FrontPage components that employ FrontPage
server extensions, you shouldn't have any problem publishing in any manner.
FrontPage components which use server extensions have to be published
through FrontPage in order to work.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
Software Composer

The shortest distance between 2 points is a curve.

Thomas A. Rowe

If the live/remote site has the FP extensions, then you need to have a copy of FP or Expression Web
to access the site, if the site will later continue to be maintained by FP / Expression Web.
Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage


Thank you both for your replies. So if I understand correctly, there
exist no third-party or open source mechanisms to access files outside
of FP. Unless one gains ftp or similar access, in which case it is
possible and even likely to destroy the ability to use FP to manage
pages. Correct?



Mr. Spencer: Would you please help me? I know almost nothing about web
design. I am trying to design a web page using Publisher. What's the name of
the feature that lets you write text and have it "walk" from right to left,
like the big sign in NY's Times Square where news are shown? And how do you
use it? Thanks a lot in advance! Best regards, Esteban Fernandez, email:
(e-mail address removed), phone 956- 358-5800.

David Berry

It's called a Marquee. You should use FrontPage instead of Publisher since
Publisher isn't really a web development program.

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