



I'm a newbie to FP2003 (had FP from 96 or 97 prior) and dont quite
understand the publishing thing as I have always manually uploaded my sites
in the past. Which is what I have been doing with the new files I have
created using the FP ftp ability. I am unsure about publishing and the
original site was built by someone else, so have been careful of what I am
doing. Anyway, the question I have is -

Can I publish a renovation of my site without loosing existing remote site
folders and files? I guess in simple terms, will the publishing of the new
version replace the old version or just add to it leaving all current files
in place?

The reason I ask is that we have phpbb forums running and I do not want to
lose them. This question has come about because I can't seem to get the
background of the new site theme to show up on the live pages. Yet everything
else works fine.

Any ideas from the gurus out there? Is there a simple fix to the background
problem? Is it to publish?


Corey Bryant

Can I publish a renovation of my site without loosing existing remote site
folders and files?

Depends. Sometimes FP will say there are some files / folders on the remote
server that are not on the local, do you wish to remove? If you choose yes,
those files will be removed.

FP 2003 offers a sync feature which will synchronize the files. might
also help - it's good to copy the files from the server to have a backup copy.

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