published calendar lost?



one of my users has had her published calendar "disapear" from outlook. i
checked folder views (it wasn't hiding), and also Tools> Account Settings >
Internet Calendars. it simply isn't there (i also checked deleted items!).
her last Outlook backup does not show it (i tried to re-import it).

how do i have her "republish"? it's still on the Microsoft server, as i can
see it. if i simply have her subscribe it is not writeable for her...she
needs to be able to add appts...


it would appear that i have no chaoice but to import her previously
published calendar (which is now a subscribed calendar) and make it her 2nd
personal calendar. then she can publish it, presumably it will look like a
'new" calendar to other users' Outlook (and Microsoft's website) so i'll
need to touch all the user's desktops and subscribe to the "new" calendar

bueler? bueler? anyone?

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