Publisher 2000 - Clip Gallery Tool not functioning


Paul Pearman

I run Windows 98 SE O/s on a Celeron II, 566 MHz. with 256
Mb ram 20Gb & 40Gb Hd's.

I have happily used Publisher 2000 for a number of years -
three days ago it misfired. Now when I attempt to insert
any clipart with the Clip Gallery tool it briefly appear
on screen and then departs never to be seen again. All
else seems to work fine.

I've gone through the repair/reinstall process to no
avail - any idea?



Paul Pearman

Dear Mary

Unfortunately, this suggestion didn't work. Still the same
as before - I don't see any Error message such as noted
below. Just click on the icon - a bried flash of the
gallery then it hides away never to be seen.

Any other suggestions?


form Sunny Perth Western Australia


Paul what happens if you start Windows in SAFE MODE and try the same
operation in Publisher?


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