You need to make some fixes to the site.
The "notebook" image appears on the load because you have an image set on
the web publication background. If you go to View, Source you can clearly see
that, it's an image called back.gif
You can see it by browsing it directly at
That image (background images are tiled) in combination with the background
color that is also set in your web publication is what is creating the
background "notebook".
Technically this background, since it is the site background, is what you
should be seeing on the site.
The reason you do not is because of your page layout mistakes that have
resulted in the entire page being converted to a gif image. This matter is on
the FAQ - fhttp:// , and also
refer to .
Again you can look at the source and clearly see that there is no html text,
there is only a single image file, img0.gif
Again you can browse to it directly at
where you can clearly see that the image IS your page.
This image of your page is loaded after the background image and thus covers
it over.
Technically if it had been done correctly, you would see your body of text
and your photos on that notebook background.
So your things to fix, if you don't want the background "notebook" then
remove the background image and background color in your web publication. And
if you don't want the entire page to be an image then modify your layout.