Publisher 2003 - Background image doesn't print



Try as I may, I cannot get Publisher 2003 to print a backgroud image. An
image will be visible on screen, but it doesn't show in Print Preview, nor
does it print. I've done detect and repair to no avail. Anyone else
experience this issue?

Mary Sauer

The background maybe on the Master page, Click the View drop down menu, be
certain you don't have "ignore master page" checked.


Thanks, but that's not the problem. The image is on the master page (I also
have the same problem when the image is a non-masterpage background), and
I've checked to make certain that Ignore master is not active.


I'll check the printer driver, but any idea why I would have no problem
printing everything on a page except the background?


I'm up to date on all service packs/updates. Maybe this is just something
wrong with my particular installation of Pub. Still will double check the
printer driver, however.

Pietro Coi

I've the same problem as you but with only one simple color as background.
I've tried with many printers (and many printers drivers) without result.
Did you find a solution?

Thanks for help

Mary Sauer

Is the background on the Master page? If you have applied a background on the
master page, is *Ignore Master Page* checked in the View menu?

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