Publisher 2003 Crashes



I have just reinstalled Office 2003 Professional Edition on several of my
computes. One one computer, I can open up and work with Publisher 2003 with
no problems. The other computers, as soon as I click on anything in
Publisher, I get the error message "We're sorry, but publisher needs to
close", etc. I send the report and when I click on the Microsoft link for
further information, it tells me that it is a demo. It is NOT a demo. Anyone
know how to fix this?

Mary Sauer

Are you getting an error box with a details button? Have you activated the
Office suite?


Yes, all have been activated. Even when I click Activate under Help, it says
the product has already been activated. The strange part is, on my main
computer, which was installed exactly the same way, it works fine, but the
laptops, are NOT working. I click on Microsoft says "to get
started, select an option in the list", I can click on an option (let's say
publications for print), click on of the examples patterns) and the box comes
up "Microsoft office publisher has encountered a problem and needs to close.
We are sorry for the inconvenience." Under what does this error report
contain, it says AppName: mspub.exe, AppVer 11.0.05525.0 AppStamp:3f255ba1,
ModName mspub.exe

View contents of error report: it has exception information (code
0xc0000094), Flags: 0x000000000, etc.
When I send the report to Microsoft, it goes to the website to explain about
it being a Demo version and need to purchase the full retail version. Again,
the same disk, program, etc. works fine on my desktop without any errors
(they were installed within minutes of each other). It also references a
file in the Temp folder that will be included with the error report. Thank


Here is another interesting thing...if I click on a publisher file and it
opens in Publisher, I am able to work within Publisher without any errors.
But, if I close out of Publisher and just enter it through the Microsoft
Office suite, when it open to the Publisher Main page, I still get the error
message??? thoughts???

Mary Sauer

From what I read, it very well could be your printer driver. Is it current
for your particular OS?
You might want to re-install the driver or browse to the manufacturer's web
site for a more up to date driver.
It is always wise to completely remove a driver before

How to clean up printer drivers

Have you run *Detect and Repair* in the Help menu?


Yes to detect and repair (no changes) and yes to service packs. The odd thing
is, I have exactly the same printers installed on the desktop as I do the
laptops and the desktop runs fine. Any other suggestions?

Mary Sauer

I'm about out of ideas. Did you look for updated drivers? Printer drivers can
become corrupt. Is it just Publisher that you are experiencing the problems or
the entire Office suite? Are all the computers running the same version of

Microsoft has 7 support documents that address the 0xc0000094 error.

Google has more. One article talked about Okidata printers with no solution.

Rob Giordano [MS MVP]

maybe a licensing many laptops? how many previous
installs....I'd try the telephone registration/install option.

Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression Web

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