Publisher 2003 loading Publisher 2000 files



I surely hope I am missing something or there is something that can be done
to alleviate the numerous issues I have with my upgrade to Publisher 2003.

We have been using Publisher since Publisher 98....and have been using it
almost exclusively for design work. I was in the process of updating our
machines and as such had to update our OS and other software accordingly.

The problem is, Publisher 2003 seems to have absolutely no conherence when
it comes to reproducing the work originally created in Publisher 2000. Just
about every peice of formatting is in some way or form changes or downright
broken from the way we had it setup.

We have thousands of Publisher files in previous formats, and it is
extremely unlikely that recreating them would be possible. Publisher 2003
even crashes loading some files that Publisher 2000 has no problem with.

Currently we have reinstalled Publisher 2000 alongside 2003, but it even has
an issue running on WindowsXP and will often crash stating low memory
resources and ask to save the open file to a '.tmp' file. (I found sites
mentioning this and modified temp sizes accordingly but it can still give
this error at times)

Is there some way to alleviate the problems we are having? I understand a
lot of the changes made with regard to consistency to other office products,
but is there no way of reliably using the recent version to edit our files?

Thanks in advance.

Mary Sauer

Publisher 2000 did not use compression, consequently it produced large files.
Large Publisher 2000 publication opens slowly in Publisher 2002 or 2003

Norton will cause issues. Disable script blocking and Office Plug In.

Text that flows around pictures reflows incorrectly when you open a Publisher
2000 publication in Publisher 2003

WordArt is not the same, however you can download the compatibility utility. You
use it by insert, object, scroll down to WordArt 3.2.
Publisher 2003/2002 Add-in: WordArt Compatibility

If you install Publisher 2000 in its own folder you may have less problems.

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