Publisher 2003 - I am a novice! Only my index file is being uploaded when I
publish my website, therefore my hyperlinks aren't working. How can I
rectify this?? I am select publishing website and save as
http://www.mywebsite.co.uk/index.htm, In tools options webs I have Unselected
organise supporting files in a folder. I have also published
http://www.mywebsite.co.uk/about me.htm but this still won't get the
hyperlinks to work. I have created a hyperlink going from "index" to "about
I understand that not all my files have been published, but what should I
publish my website, therefore my hyperlinks aren't working. How can I
rectify this?? I am select publishing website and save as
http://www.mywebsite.co.uk/index.htm, In tools options webs I have Unselected
organise supporting files in a folder. I have also published
http://www.mywebsite.co.uk/about me.htm but this still won't get the
hyperlinks to work. I have created a hyperlink going from "index" to "about
I understand that not all my files have been published, but what should I