and it's on sale...just tawk to Natasha
Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression
| Check out Serif's WebPlus. They just released a new version that among
| other things includes validation for form fields (and you can add a
| CAPTCHA to it to keep bots from spamming you).
| Mike
| alsaffiliates wrote:
| > OK, one LAST question. If I upgraded to Publisher 2007, would IT allow
me to
| > make required web entries such as a phone number on a registration form
| > before allowing the user to submit their registration? If not, any
| > recommendations of a good program that will allow this? Thanks!
| >
| > "Rob Giordano (Crash)" wrote:
| >
| >
| >>You can do basic validation with FP's forms. That being said...the
| >>filler-outter could put anything in the textbox.
| >>
| >>Caveat:
| >>1- Of course you must have FrontPage
| >>2- Your host server must have FrontPage Extensions installed & working.
| >>3- Your host server must allow FP's form handler (some don't even if you
| >>have FPSE)
| >>4- You must publish to the server via the http:// method NOT FTP.
| >>
| >>Check with your host you have now and see what kind of forms they do
| >>support...and it's likely they already have free scripts (or you can
| >>for one) that will work.
| >>
| >>--
| >>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| >>Rob Giordano
| >>Microsoft MVP Expression
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >>| >>| Do you know if FrontPage would allow me to do that?
| >>|
| >>| "DavidF" wrote:
| >>|
| >>| > Sorry, not with the Publisher default form.
| >>| >
| >>| > DavidF
| >>| >
| >>message
| >>| > | >>| > > When setting up a registration page on a website using Publisher
| >>can
| >>| > > I
| >>| > > make a requested entry (such as phone number) mandatory so that an
| >>| > > individual
| >>| > > cannot submit a registration without filling in that area? If so,
| >>do I
| >>| > > accomplish this?
| >>| >
| >>| >
| >>| >
| >>
| >>
| >>