Publisher 2003


Patrick Stone

Microsoft Office 2000 in running on my home computer. I have class work
asking to to use MS Producer for PowerPoint 2003, which was downloaded free
from my college website.

While trying to transistion slides in PowerPoint 2000 to the MS Producer
2003 I get the following error message "an error has occured in the script on
this page" Line 296, line 57 and line 51 are noted. It asks if I still wish
to keeping working and I answer yes.

The Producer program comes up it allows me to capture and save video but it
doesn't allow me to transistion the video files to the timeline. The
powerpoint program will download to the timeframe but it keeps crunching down
hiding tiles. When syncornizing files the button for "next slide" goes gray
and will not cycle forward.

Is this PowerPoint 2000 conflicting with the 2003 Producer? If so, can I
download the 2003 PowerPoint and move on or do you think there is something
else amiss?

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