Good evening,
My web page is www.marlyjohnson.com . I just bought Publisher 2007
- In Publisher 2007, everything is centered, but not anymore when I go on
internet. How can I correct it.
- I would like to have a button "Share it with your friends" on each page.
How I do this?
- I want to add a french version of it. What is the best way?
- If you see something that I should correct on my web, please feel free to
help a poor beginner!
Thank you so very much for your time,
Marly J.
My web page is www.marlyjohnson.com . I just bought Publisher 2007
- In Publisher 2007, everything is centered, but not anymore when I go on
internet. How can I correct it.
- I would like to have a button "Share it with your friends" on each page.
How I do this?
- I want to add a french version of it. What is the best way?
- If you see something that I should correct on my web, please feel free to
help a poor beginner!
Thank you so very much for your time,
Marly J.