I have just completed my first web site built in publisher, uploaded to my
host, all working fine except for my web forms??, after pulling my hair out
for two day's I find out for my web forms to work my server must have
frontpage 98 or later, which they do, but tell me I must upload it from
frontpage!!, what does this mean??as there was no mention of this in
Publisher, how can I overcome this? are publisher and frontpage compatable???
any help would be appreciated.
host, all working fine except for my web forms??, after pulling my hair out
for two day's I find out for my web forms to work my server must have
frontpage 98 or later, which they do, but tell me I must upload it from
frontpage!!, what does this mean??as there was no mention of this in
Publisher, how can I overcome this? are publisher and frontpage compatable???
any help would be appreciated.