Publisher changes music filenames when uploading? YIKES! Help???



Hi...I'm creating a website for my granddaughter...a photo/video collection
from her first year of life. I've been adding music files to each page for
her that are lyrics-specific for each different slide show. It's pretty cute.
I know most of you dislike music on sites, but this is just for her and my
family...not for the general public.

I've used the music as background before with no issues in Publisher, but
this problem stumps me.

I loaded the music files exactly as written in Publisher's help section.
They worked fine at first on my site. I made an edit to some unrelated text
on my site and reloaded everything. The music no longer plays...on any page.
I wrote to my web host and asked what happened. Here is what they say, and I
have no idea how to troubleshoot this:

We looked into the code for your index page and see that your site is trying
to load a file called "file0001.瘥&#3580" as a background sound.

bgsound src="index_files/file0001.瘥&#3580

A couple things we see wrong with this:

1. the file name does not seem to be a supported format sound file please
ensure Publisher 2007 is embedding the correct audio file.
2. the file does not exist on the web server. so please ensure your sound
file is uploaded correctly by Publisher 2007.
Can anyone help with this? Why would Publisher change the name of my music
file, and how the heck do I get it to load the filename I want it to? It
shows the file correctly in the filename on my Publisher files in my computer.

Thanks much!
Frustrated Gramma in Seattle


Does the web page load correctly if you open it from the files on your hard
What method did you use to load the files to the server?



What file format are the music files? Publisher does not support mp3 for
example. Secondly, tell us specifically how you are adding the files to each



When I open it in "web page preview" it does not play the
did before.

I used WS_FTP to upload the files...from Ipswitch.

It's at

Thank you for your assistance!


Hi David...first, thank you for helping me with this.

I add the files by going to Tools, Web Page Options, and then add the music
file in the window by browsing to my Music folder and choosing what song I
want. They are all MP3's...but they did work when I first uploaded them, so
I'm confused as to why they would not now. I can change them to WAV files if

I'm using Publisher 2007 on a newer HP Pavilion laptop with Vista. I just
bought unlimited bandwidth on my website to make sure the media would be

Bless you,


I see that the background sound is not correct

<bgsound src="file0007.瘥෼" loop=infinite>

I found that using mp3 will work in web preview but not when published to
the web
Follow David's suggestion and try changing from mp3 to another format
I looked at your site WOW
You did a lot of nice work



What a labor of love. You are going to be her favorite Gramma!

I am generally not a big fan of background music, but in this case I agree
that it is an asset...if you have a broadband connection. Those music files
can be pretty large and take a long time to load with a dial-up connection.

Yeah...sorry, but you can't use MP3s, but yes, you can use WAV files. When
you browse to your Music folder, look at the Files of type and you will see
the sounds that are supported. .wav, .mid etc. Unfortunately, MP3s aren't
supported for background music.

You might want to consider building your slide shows with JAlbum. It is free, and not only would you have more
control of how your photo albums look, some of the skins support music files
including MP3s.


Mike Koewler


Serif sells a cut down version of a program called KoolMoves (there is
also a full version available). What I like about it is that I can take
an image, add text to it, and create a movie. Copy the frame and add
copies of it and how long they will run. Then add sound, including mp3
files which are much smaller than wav, mid., etc.



Thank you for your help and your kind words Spike. I have so much more to add
to the pages once I troubleshoot this music thing.

Bless you...I'll try changing the files to WAV.


Thanks David and Mike for the suggestions. I will give them a try...and will
check out Koolmoves and JAlbum to boot! I'm excited to continue working on
this. It will be an ongoing project as this little girl grows up.

Seattle Gramma

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