You will be pleased and delighted to know, this is NOT repeat NOT a
Publisher issue.
There are no known printing problems in any version of Publisher.
Now go and vent your frustration at your therapist, not here.
Actually I would say there is a difficulty but there is a workaround
to Microsofts error.
It seems if you tell any Microsoft program you want multiple sets it
decides to send them from the computer time after time just as you
asked. (10 sets = the number of pages times 10 )
However if you have a printer with memory or attached harddrive(often
considered a network printer) go into your selected printer driver and
set the quantity there where you would also set Collated, paper size
etc.(but leave it at 1 in the Microsoft portion of the window before
that.) Then if your printer has the memory it will take the entire
job once and output 10 times etc., doing what it is supposed to which
is many times faster than having the job collated from the computer.